Welcome to the future of lawn care with STIHL iMOW robotic mowers. Imagine having a beautifully manicured lawn without the need to spend hours pushing a heavy mower or worrying about scheduling lawn maintenance. With STIHL iMOW, this vision becomes a reality.


Revolutionising Lawn Care with STIHL iMOW

STIHL, a name synonymous with innovation and quality, brings its expertise to the world of robotic lawn mowers. The STIHL iMOW series is a testament to the brand’s commitment to creating products that make life easier and more enjoyable for homeowners.

Key Features of STIHL iMOW Robotic Mowers

The STIHL iMOW range is packed with features that set it apart as a leader in the field of robotic lawn mowers:

  1. Precision Cutting: STIHL iMOW mowers use advanced cutting technology to ensure your lawn is consistently and evenly cut.
  2. Quiet Operation: These robotic mowers work discreetly, producing minimal noise pollution, making them perfect for residential areas.
  3. Intelligent Navigation: iMOW mowers use an intelligent navigation system to move around your garden efficiently. They can navigate complex layouts, handle narrow passages, and maneuver around obstacles with ease.
  4. Effortless Maintenance: Battery-powered and with no emissions, iMOW mowers are environmentally friendly and require minimal maintenance. They return to their charging station automatically, so they’re always ready to work when you need them.
  5. Customized Scheduling: You can set your iMOW mower to operate when it suits you best. Whether you prefer to have it mow during the day, night, or while you’re away, the choice is yours.
  6. Mulching Capability: iMOW mowers cut and mulch grass clippings, providing natural fertilization for your lawn. This reduces waste and helps maintain a lush, healthy lawn.

Why Choose STIHL iMOW?

  1. Exceptional Quality: STIHL is known for producing durable, high-quality products, and their iMOW range is no exception. These mowers are built to last.
  2. Cutting-Edge Technology: The iMOW mowers are equipped with the latest technology for precise and efficient lawn care.
  3. Environmental Benefits: Battery-powered and emission-free, iMOW mowers are environmentally friendly and contribute to a greener, healthier planet.
  4. Time and Effort Savings: Say goodbye to spending your weekends mowing the lawn. With iMOW, your lawn will be perfectly maintained, allowing you to enjoy your free time.
  5. User-Friendly: iMOW mowers are designed with ease of use in mind. Setting them up and programming them is straightforward, even for those new to robotic lawn care.

Explore the STIHL iMOW Range

Our STIHL iMOW range includes a variety of models to suit different lawn sizes and complexities. Whether you have a small urban garden or a sprawling estate, there’s an iMOW mower that’s perfect for your needs.

  • STIHL iMOW RMI Series: Ideal for small to medium-sized lawns, these mowers are efficient and precise.
  • STIHL iMOW RMI Series: Designed for larger lawns and more complex terrain, these models offer advanced features for superior performance.

Experience the Convenience of Robotic Lawn Care

STIHL iMOW robotic mowers are transforming the way we care for our lawns. They provide convenience, precision, and freedom from the hassles of traditional lawn mowing. Imagine having a beautifully maintained lawn without the sweat and stress—STIHL iMOW makes it possible.

Ready to Make the Smart Choice for Your Lawn?

Join the robotic lawn care revolution with STIHL iMOW. Explore our range, find the perfect model for your lawn, and experience the future of lawn care today.

Invest in STIHL iMOW robotic mowers and enjoy a beautifully maintained lawn with minimal effort. These innovative mowers combine precision, technology, and environmental sustainability to deliver a flawless lawn care experience. Say goodbye to traditional lawn mowing and hello to the future of garden maintenance.


What is the STIHL iMOW Robotic Mower?

The STIHL iMOW Robotic Mower is an automated lawn mower designed to cut grass independently. It uses GPS technology and sensors to navigate your lawn and maintain your grass at the desired height.

How does the iMOW Robotic Mower work?

After setup, you simply program your preferences, such as cutting height and mowing schedule, into the iMOW. The mower then operates autonomously, cutting your lawn while avoiding obstacles.

Are STIHL iMOW Robotic Mowers suitable for all lawn sizes?

Yes, STIHL offers a range of iMOW models designed to suit lawns of various sizes, from small urban gardens to expansive estates.

Can I control the iMOW Robotic Mower remotely?

Yes, many iMOW models come with app-based control, allowing you to adjust settings, schedule mowing times, and monitor the mower's status from your smartphone.

Is the iMOW Robotic Mower environmentally friendly?

Absolutely. iMOW Robotic Mowers produce zero emissions, making them eco-friendly and quiet. They are an excellent choice for environmentally conscious homeowners.

Will the iMOW Robotic Mower handle complex lawn shapes?

Yes, iMOW Robotic Mowers are equipped with advanced navigation technology, enabling them to handle intricate lawn shapes and tight spaces effectively.

How do I install the iMOW Robotic Mower?

The installation process is straightforward. It involves setting up a boundary wire to define the mowing area. You can do it yourself or opt for professional installation.

Will the iMOW Robotic Mower replace traditional lawn mowers?

Yes, the iMOW Robotic Mower is a suitable replacement for traditional lawn mowers. It offers the advantage of convenience, precision, and time savings.

What maintenance does the iMOW Robotic Mower require?

Routine maintenance includes cleaning the mower and blades, as well as occasional blade replacement. It's minimal compared to traditional lawn mowers.

Where can I find STIHL iMOW Robotic Mowers?

Garden Machinery Direct is an authorised STIHL dealer, offering a wide selection of iMOW Robotic Mowers to suit your lawn care needs.